
Showing posts from January, 2014

How to pass the optional parameters - Dynamics AX 2012

Passing optional parameters in Dynamics AX 2012 functions and methods Add these to the end of the passing parameters in your function declaration. Just default to null or empty values. void functionname (BirthDate dob = datenull(), FirstName firstName = '', LastName lastName = '', VendTrans _vendTrans = null  );

Duplicate SSRS Reports in Dynamics AX 2012

Able to duplicate the report by following the blog entry on the following Steps to follow to duplicate the Report 1- Duplicate the classes first via AOT 2- Create a new Visual Studio Project - Reports and add it to AOT as well 3- Duplicate the Report from Visual Studio - Application Tree 4- Modify the report and make any changes to the code after copying. Encountered the following issues - When tried to point the database to the new DP Class, then Visual Studio giving an error. - This error was resolved by creating a new dataset and then deleting the old one. (Deleting the Dataset is important point ! as without that it will not allow you to proceed) - However you also need to adjust the output parameters as adding a new dataset will introduce new output parameters which need to be removed. Do remember to refer to the old parameters. This is a tedious task, but need to

Dynamics AX 2012 Reports SSRS - The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

Encountered many times when a new or old report is deployed The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. Resolution is very simple 1- Restarting the SSRS Reporting Services from services.msc 2- S ystem administration  module , set-up  ,service and application  integration  framework , in bound port , bi service stop the services and restart the services. and restart the reporting services

Dynamics AX 2012 Service hang - stuck in STOPPING Status

For hours, MS Dynamics AX 2012 Service  AOS60$01 was in the stage of Stopping. It occured when we tried to restart the service via Services.msc window. After research, the following command promopt resolution worked to Kill the service and then using NET START AOS6$01

Dynamics AX 2012 - Only integrated security is supported for AX queries

Problems configuring my Reporting Server and after much time and spending hours, finally got this error message Only integrated security is supported for AX queries Again a question mark for me. Finally what I did is followed the steps here on the site. Deleting the folder and deploying all the reports again solved the issue.  Command Line to Deploy all the report is as follows Publish-AXReport -ReportName * Complete copied solution Solution if errors pops up for all SSRS Reports: You can still apply the above approach for all the reports and it will work. But that is not the right approach for obvious reason, will take a lot of time to do that.  More appropriate solution would be to delete all the reports and redeploy all the reports. Steps are as follows: First step is to delete all the existing SSRS Reports. For doing this you can navigate to DynamicsAx folder and de

What is OMNI-Channel - Dynamics Retail AX 2012

What is a Channel Channels are the offline and on-line touch points a consumer experiences when being in contact with your brand. Touch point examples range from; a website, a collect area, a physical shop, a mobile site, a brochure, an eCommerce site, social media and so forth. All these channels lead to a positive or negative experience the customer has with the brand . Multi Channel Various ways to interact with the customers. On-line Shop, Physical Shop etc. Omni Channel Experience the channels in a consistent way + seamlessly integrated way. This can be done by technology Physical and Digital Information must be the same ! Today’s technology enables businesses to upgrade their Multi Channel strategy to an Omni Channel strategy.