What is OMNI-Channel - Dynamics Retail AX 2012

What is a Channel

Channels are the offline and on-line touch points a consumer experiences when being in contact with your brand. Touch point examples range from; a website, a collect area, a physical shop, a mobile site, a brochure, an eCommerce site, social media and so forth. All these channels lead to a positive or negative experience the customer has with the brand.

Multi Channel
Various ways to interact with the customers. On-line Shop, Physical Shop etc.

Omni Channel
Experience the channels in a consistent way + seamlessly integrated way.
This can be done by technology
Physical and Digital Information must be the same !
Today’s technology enables businesses to upgrade their Multi Channel strategy to an Omni Channel strategy.


  1. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته and welcome to AX


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